Tshisekedi Consolidates Power After Failed May 2024 Coup in DRC

Peacekeeper Insight Analytic Report: Failed Coup Reshapes DRC’s Politics

Description: Following a botched coup attempt in May 2024, President Felix Tshisekedi has used the event to tighten his political control, crack down on dissent, and reshape the political landscape of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Discover the implications for the future of DRC’s governance and security.

Prepared for the GSC Global Fragility Act Coalition Advocacy Group.

- Overview

In May 2024, a poorly executed coup attempt unfolded in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), involving a mix of Congolese dissidents and foreign nationals. Despite its disorganized nature, President Felix Tshisekedi has leveraged the incident as an opportunity to consolidate power, tighten his political circle, and take decisive actions against political opponents. This event occurred during a politically delicate period for Tshisekedi, who was grappling with internal party divisions and an ongoing security crisis in the eastern DRC, primarily driven by Rwanda-backed rebel forces.

The coup attempt, though quickly quashed, has led to significant legal and political actions, including death sentences for those involved. International actors, including the U.S. and African Union, condemned the use of force, and the involvement of several foreign nationals has complicated diplomatic relations between DRC and these countries.

Key Points and Takeaways

  1. Coup Attempt Details:
    • The coup involved around 50 men, including foreign nationals and Congolese citizens, who briefly occupied the presidential palace and targeted high-profile government officials' homes​ (Nation)(St. Antony's International Review).
    • Led by Christian Malanga, a U.S.-based opposition figure, the coup plotters hoisted the flag of Zaire (DRC’s former name), calling for the overthrow of Tshisekedi​ (Connecticut Public).
    • The coup was disorganized, and the plotters were swiftly defeated by Congolese forces, with several leaders, including Malanga, killed in the aftermath​ (JURIST News).
  2. Political and Security Context:
    • The DRC remains a fragile state, with Tshisekedi facing a two-year-long offensive by Rwanda-backed rebels in the east, adding to the country’s instability​ (Nation).
    • Internally, Tshisekedi has struggled to form a government due to internal rivalries within his ruling coalition, despite having a large majority in parliament​ (St. Antony's International Review).
    • The aftermath of the coup has been framed by Tshisekedi’s government as an existential threat, justifying intensified security measures and crackdowns on opposition figures​(St. Antony's International Review).
  3. International and Domestic Response:
    • The international community, including the African Union and the U.S., condemned the coup attempt and expressed concerns about foreign involvement​ (Nation)(JURIST News).
    • Several coup plotters, including foreign nationals, were handed death sentences, raising legal and human rights concerns​ (The Independent)(Connecticut Public).

Insights and Analysis

Tshisekedi’s handling of the coup aftermath highlights a clear strategy of power consolidation. By framing the failed coup as a direct threat to national stability, Tshisekedi has moved swiftly to tighten his inner circle and suppress opposition figures, consolidating his grip on power. The failed attempt has allowed him to justify measures that might otherwise be seen as authoritarian, such as the sentencing of political rivals and the increased presence of security forces throughout Kinshasa​ (The Independent).

The involvement of foreign nationals, particularly Americans, adds complexity to the political and diplomatic situation. Tshisekedi’s government now faces the challenge of maintaining relations with the U.S. and other nations whose citizens were implicated in the coup. The incident also raises questions about the broader international dynamics at play, including the influence of foreign actors in Congolese politics​ (JURIST News)(Nation).

Domestically, the coup has exacerbated political polarization in the DRC, where the legitimacy of Tshisekedi's leadership has been contested, especially following disputed elections. This event could further weaken the democratic process in the DRC, as Tshisekedi’s government may continue to use security concerns as a justification for limiting political freedoms and cracking down on dissent​(St. Antony's International Review)(Nation).


The broader implications of this event extend beyond Tshisekedi’s immediate consolidation of power. The failed coup and Tshisekedi's subsequent actions could lead to heightened political tensions in the DRC, both within the ruling coalition and among opposition groups. The coup serves as a reminder of the fragility of governance in the DRC and the potential for instability in the lead-up to future elections.

Furthermore, the coup highlights the persistent security challenges in the region. While the coup was focused on the political capital, Tshisekedi’s government continues to face a more serious threat in the eastern DRC, where Rwanda-backed rebel groups like the M23 have caused significant instability​(Nation)(St. Antony's International Review). This dual challenge—maintaining political control in Kinshasa while addressing security crises in the east—will likely shape Tshisekedi’s presidency going forward.

The international response has also emphasized the importance of legal accountability and human rights in managing the aftermath of such events. The execution of coup plotters could strain relations with foreign governments, particularly the U.S., which has called for a thorough investigation into the involvement of its nationals​(St. Antony's International Review)(JURIST News).

Final Assessment

In conclusion, the May 2024 failed coup attempt has had far-reaching consequences in the Democratic Republic of Congo. While the coup itself was disorganized and posed no immediate threat to Tshisekedi’s rule, its aftermath has allowed him to consolidate power and suppress dissent, reshaping the country’s political landscape. As Tshisekedi tightens his grip on power, the DRC’s fragile political and security situation remains precarious, with ongoing threats from both internal divisions and external rebel forces. The involvement of foreign nationals adds a complex layer to the situation, with potential diplomatic fallout that could affect international relations and governance in the DRC.

This event has reinforced the need for vigilance in monitoring the balance of power in the DRC and the potential long-term impact of Tshisekedi's increasingly authoritarian approach. The political polarization, ongoing security crises, and international scrutiny make the future of Tshisekedi’s leadership and the stability of the DRC uncertain.


  1. Africa Confidential. (2024). The presidential circle shrinks. Africa Confidential. https://www.africa-confidential.com/article-preview/id/15175/The-presidential-circle-shrinks
  2. Bartlett, K. (2024, May 20). What we know about the failed coup attempt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Connecticut Public. https://www.ctpublic.org
  3. JURIST. (2024, May 20). DRC army quashes attempted coup against President Felix Tshisekedi. JURIST. https://www.jurist.org
  4. Nation Africa. (2024). Explainer: The foiled coup in DR Congo: Here's what to know. Nation Africa. https://nation.africa
  5. St. Antony's International Review. (2024). A turbulent dawn: The May 2024 attempted coup in the DRC. St. Antony's International Review. https://www.stairjournal.com
  6. The Independent. (2024, September 13). Congo court sentences 3 Americans and 34 others to death on coup charges. The Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk
  7. VOA Africa. (2024, May 20). Foiled coup attempt leaves unanswered questions in DRC. VOA Africa. https://www.voaafrica.com


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